Clip-together magnet frame with plexiglass front
The quality option for framing a tiny picture. Magnets on the back, a sheet of glass or acrylic at the front, and pretty well sealed against sun and wet hands.
The quality option for framing a tiny picture. Magnets on the back, a sheet of glass or acrylic at the front, and pretty well sealed against sun and wet hands.
How to 3D-print a little box to display a silly object for use “in case of emergency”.
Create 3D-printed pushpin-style magnets with custom line-art or a 3D shape from an STL file as the head.
This 3D-printed snap-together picture frame is a light-weight frame with some versatility in what it contains.
Customizable, easy-to-assemble holder for artwork printed specifically to fit, with a clear shell so the wrap-around colored sides are visible.