Message I just sent to Christiane Drieling — Artist who sent me the beautiful little prints.
Here’s a little story about the Free Little Art Gallery — that JUST happened within the last 10 minutes. There was a knock on my door. When I opened the door, a very tall young mom and her daughter of about 5 greeted me. They were personally delivering a card to me to express appreciation for the Free Little Art Gallery. Since I just received your prints today, I brought them out to show the visitors, and I allowed them to pick one of the prints. The little daughter, Pearl, happened to pick the print that you use for your FB profile picture.

Did any FLAGER ever get a nicer bit of encouragement.
I cannot say definitively but it seems unlikely
I gave her your little tea light to boot.
want to write it up for the FLAG website?
Or I could just copy this chat…
Yes. That and the Homage to Felix Gonzalez-Torres story. And the coded message on the pillar, and some other stuff.
Let’s space them out…