Art lovers of Atascadero, California, rejoice! There’s a new gallery in town opening today. While it’s not large, it is open to all — anyone can share their art in the Free Little Art Gallery on Mountain View Drive. Thanks to your neighbor, Ashley Rosilez, for providing this venue for artists of all ages and skill levels.
If you create small art, please bring something along to show and share. In any case, come browse, see what amazing and amusing things others are making, and maybe you will find something you love, which you can take home, free, to put on your fridge or wear or whatever.
If you love the idea but don’t live nearby, visit the map of FLAGs to find other galleries near you, or ones where you can participate by mail. Or, start your own!
#freelittleartgallery #mapofflags #atascadero #atascaderoca #atascaderoart