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Home » Start your own FLAG! » Signage


Close-up signage

You need a sign on or in your FLAG to explain how it works. FLAG operators I know have found shorter is better — people tend not to read signs with a lot of text. One example says:

This is a Free Little Art Gallery (FLAG)!
Leave Art! Take Art! or Both!
Please do NOT take the easels, pushpin magnets, or “patrons” (people). Thanks!
Please take only one piece per person per visit.
Follow on Instagram: @FLAG_HTX

If you have an online presence (I suggest yes), you could give the information needed to find you online in the form of a QR code also.

You might choose to supply basic instructions inside the gallery and give a link to more detailed information online, such as this page about my own FLAG. If you’d like a page like this on this site, use the Contact form and let’s discuss it.

Distance signage

Because there are a lot more Little Free Libraries than Free Little Art Galleries, people might see your box and assume it’s just another LFL without bothering to get close to check it out. If your gallery is designed with a unique look, or if the art is easily visible from a distance, this might be less of a problem. Regardless, it’s nice if people can look at your gallery from half a block away and see enough to entice them. Writing FREE ART on the sides in big, bold letters probably will do the trick.
