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Roosevelt Street FAQ


  • Anyone can take art. Please limit yourself to one or two at a time. If the art identifies the artist’s name, social media account or website, they would probably appreciate you posting about it and tagging them.
  • Please don’t take the easels, unless they are attached to the artwork. Please don’t take the pushpin magnets or anything that might be considered furniture.
  • Anyone can add art. Contributions will be shown on the Instagram account ( and the artist credited if I can tell who they are.
  • To ensure I record your contribution before someone else nabs it, you may place items in my USPS mailbox beside the front door. It is not, generally speaking, legal to put things into other people’s mailboxes, but as the owner of the box in question, I give you permission, provided what you put in is art or other items intended to go into the gallery.
  • Contributions by mail are welcome. See below for the address.
  • Find other galleries on the Map page of this site.

Who runs this gallery?

This is a project of author and artist Tyler Tork, whose home the gallery sits in front of. Tyler is also the manager of this website which is about Free Little Art Galleries generally.

What kinds of art do you want?

As this is a public location, please no art unsuitable for younger visitors. And obviously, unless it’s weatherproof, it needs to be able to fit easily in the gallery.

Do you accept submissions by mail?

Sure! Mail to:

Free Little Art Gallery
523 Roosevelt Street
Lafayette LA 70503

Can I donate to the gallery?

I don’t solicit donations of money — only art. But if you would like to show your appreciation, you might buy and review one of my books.

Donations of art supplies are welcome — you can just leave them in the gallery, or if there are a lot of them and you think they shouldn’t all be set out at once, knock on the door, mail them, or contact me to make arrangements.

I want to start my own!

Super! We’ve got a page about how to start and operate a FLAG. You can also use the contact form on this site if you want to discuss your project and get advice or be put in touch with other folks near you. If you’re near me, we could meet up.
