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FLAGs on a Pod


Winterville FLAG

The “Little Decisions” podcast carries news of kindness and community in the Athens, Georgia area. Naturally, they would want to interview Sherre Watwood of the Winterville Arts Council, operator of the “Free and Wee Winterville” FLAG of Winterville, Georgia!

Listen here or on the podcast website (you’ll have to look for the episode title “Create Art to Share featuring Sherre Watwood…” dated 24 August 2032.

Or subscribe in your podcast app.

Of special interest for curators is Sherre’s description of how they changed the way their gallery operates to deal with problems of it getting cleaned out — including easels and tiny patrons — with not enough art to replace it. This might not be a problem for every curator, but some of you might decide to try her approach.

The gallery is now locked during the week, during which time the public can view the art and contribute pieces into a lockbox (or by dropping them off at nearby city hall, if they don’t fit). On weekends, the gallery is unlocked and people can take what they like from the works that have been on view that week.

The effect of this has been — of course — that items don’t leave the gallery immediately after being put in, giving people a chance to appreciate them. In addition, the rate and quality of contributions has increased, presumably because the artist knows their work will be on view for a while instead of maybe vanishing immediately, which makes it more worth the trouble.

I think this is a great idea, and more FLAGs might want to try it.


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