I’ve been a FLAG operator for less than a year now. I started as an artist visiting and contributing to other FLAGs as part of my “Artist Dates” exercises for The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron. But then it occurred to me that I could actually host one in my own front yard, which prior had been a bit of an eyesore. I mounted a beautiful FLAG that I bought off Etsy and painted it bright, cheerful colors which livened up my front yard.
Many of my neighbors participate by leaving and taking art or just visiting regularly. One has commented, “What a gift [your FLAG] is to our neighborhood!”
One of the things that delights me about hosting a Free Little Art Gallery is the arrival of art from mysterious artists. Some things arrive in the FLAG unlabeled, dropped off by fellow artists who don’t either want recognition or don’t have a URL or Instagram handle to label their art with. But my favorite surprises come in the mail, also sometimes without any kind of label, including no return address.
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I’ve also been especially happy with the connections I’ve built with other FLAG operators. The owner of one of the FLAGs from a neighboring town, Alameda, showed up to my Grand Opening and brought me a beautiful little bouquet of flowers in a vase and words of encouragement. Other FLAG operators have swapped art with me through the mail, especially when one or the other of us is working on a special theme for the month.
Running a Free Little Art Gallery brings such a sense of joy in so many ways!